Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cell Phone Radiation Level

Cell Phone Radiation Level what does it mean? And is it harmful for the body?
Technology has taken over a big, even huge part of our life; everything we do is based on it whether we were talking about electricity, computer, Internet or cell phones. A cell phone, per example, became a crucial share of our daily routine. We cannot go out without it, work without it or even live without it. We depend on it not only to perform emergency calls, as we did when it was first invented, but now a cell phone represents us. We use it as note book, to chat, to work; it even replaces our laptop for some time now.
Since it first came out, and this invention has created a huge argument among scientists. Some of them say that its radiation could be harmful, even killing, others say that it is perfectly safe. Is it black or white? Is it deadly dangerous or it causes no harm at all?
Over the years, a huge number of researches have been conducted but we still didn’t get any decisive or confirmed proof as to whether a mobile phone could be the cause of deadly diseases such as brain tumors, or provoke a decrease in the sperm count. The studies concentrated on whether or not a cell phone has a carcinogenic effect, behavioral effect, sleep effect, genotoxic effect, blood - brain barrier effect, cognitive effect, thermal, and non-thermal effect. The scientific studies will not stop at that point, and we will continue to monitor the results hoping that maybe one day we will have access to one, unique and accurate answer. Among this huge conflict, the federal communications commission (FCC) created a system to help us determine a cell phone’s SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). This will help us calculate the amount of radio frequency that our body is absorbing when using this device. The United States, per example, doesn’t give a phone any certifications if its SAR level is higher than 1.7 watts per kilogram. The studies revealed the names of a number of cell phones with high specific absorption rate as other devices have a lower SAR.  Then, for your safety, try choosing a cell phone that has a low SAR. Even though no harm was confirmed, but it is advised to limit the use of cell phones especially around children younger than 12 years of age. As for us, adults, we found ourselves stuck between this unresolved scientific conflicts; therefore choosing to reduce the use of cell phones or to ignore all stated warnings is in our hands.


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